WrxFlo’s new client is a global manufacturing company, with a manufacturing facility based in Ireland. This company produces Industrial and Mobile Lubrication products for the global market. Through an international commitment to their mission, and with engineering, manufacturing, and sales operations well-positioned on three continents, they are one of the world’s largest providers of engineered lubrication and cooling products and services.
This company had a few challenges at the start of its journey with WrxFlo. The first of which was their 25-year-old Infor ERP system that was used to manage customer orders, shop orders and inventory. Timesheets were submitted on paper daily, and job cards and modifications were typed back into the ERP using a dot-matrix printer work order sheet.
Because of the system they had in place, this global company faced several more challenges daily. They had limited management and KPI reports, poor visibility of how the process was performing in real-time and poor visibility of the materials available for shop orders. Several tools and gauges on the floor often went missing, hence making it difficult to find or start jobs. They also faced challenges with meeting shipment dates and escalations across functions daily.
“There are a lot of products, a lot of part numbers, a lot of management of data and detail; and being able to manage and control all of that, in order to deliver, next day or same day, that’s a huge challenge.” Global Managing Director said.
WrxFlo began by reviewing their current ERP system. It had extremely limited reporting, however, it functioned well and continues to be supported by Infor.
“Even though we had a good and well-run ERP system, it generated tons of paper.”
“We need the ability to extract data from the legacy system, dump it into Excel, and create reports. However, excel grows legs, everybody has a different laptop or a different computer which leads to confusion and multiple versions of the same data going around the place, so I’d say that was one of our biggest challenges.” the global managing director said.
However, replacing the ERP system completely was very costly and could cause disruptions to their daily operations so WrxFlo decided to go in a different direction.
To tackle the issues faced, WrxFlo automated real-time reporting from the ERP of key metrics which displayed material availability for orders as they dropped to the factory, part shortages that need to be ordered by procurement, the status of parts needed by week/day to fulfil customer orders and much more.
Secondly, WrxFlo implemented its Shop Order Management system to manage their shop orders and order prioritisation, product quality and ECNs. It will also be used to manage their tools, gauges, material pick lists/status, labour tracking and earned vs paid hours.
And finally, WrxFlo connected their Work Order Management module to ERP to deliver a fully functioning and modern factory management execution system that provides real-time updates across all functions, to allow them effectively to run a paperless manufacturing process. They are now on track to eliminate paper waste completely.
“Now, we’ve reduced the paper waste by at least 70%-75%, and we’re right on track to reduce it further.” – customer said.
Since completing this project, this client has won several new contracts with new businesses due to the live visibility of product cost and price adjustments. They have hit record revenues as orders are much easier to manage through the process. Additionally, their order/material status, OEE, performance by job, machine, and operator metrics are now live.
WrxFlo was able to implement all these processes at a fraction of the cost of implementing a new ERP system so it’s safe to say that WrxFlo made the right call.
“Everybody today through WrxFlo has all the data they need to do their job, every minute, and every hour, of every day. It’s totally modernised the look and feel of the business, from a daily operations perspective to management and the shop floor. They brought that kind of X-Factor to the thing, that made us choose WrxFlo and I would say that they delivered on it.” – Global Managing Director said.
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