WrxFlo is a leading software solutions company that specializes in streamlining supply chain operations by integrating various data sources.
Utilizing the People, Process, Technology framework, WrxFlo identifies gaps in process and system functionality and develops tailored solutions to enhance efficiency. Clients have experienced a 40% increase in manufacturing capacity, a 20% reduction in transformation costs, a 98% decrease in overdue orders, and a 99% decrease in on-site paper usage. WrxFlo’ s expertise in software solutions and dedication to helping businesses thrive make them an invaluable partner. While primarily serving multinationals, WrxFlo works with businesses of all sizes and sectors globally.
WrxFlo are already present in multinational manufacturing sites across China in Chengdu and Xiamen with clients in Technology and Fintech. As WrxFlo expands into the China Market, CEO Tim Crowe along with the Ireland China Science and Technology Association (ICSATA) group, are traveling to China to explore new opportunities. The ICSATA trade mission will visit eight cities in ten days, including Beijing, Nanjing, Wuxi, Shanghai, Ningbo, Chengdu, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong to meet with government officials, leaders of manufacturing sites, and other potential partners. The goal is to establish WrxFlo as a key player in the Chinese market and to help businesses in China improve their operations and compete globally.
Tim Crowe lived with his family and worked in China as the CEO of the Dell Chengdu facility (Sichuan). Tim designed, built and ran the Dell Chengdu facility, which gives him a deep understanding of the Chinese market and the challenges of running operations there. This experience is highly valuable as WrxFlo expands its expertise in China. The company aims to establish itself as a trusted partner in the Chinese market and contribute to the country’s economic growth and digital transformation.
As WrxFlo expands its presence in China, it will be a valuable partner to businesses looking to improve their operations and compete more effectively. With its expertise in software solutions and dedication to helping businesses thrive, WrxFlo is poised to make a significant impact on the Chinese market.
WrxFlo是一家行业领先的科技公司,专注于为整个供应链提供软件解决方案,通过整合各种数据源来提升供应链效率。WrxFlo采用 “人员、流程、技术”框架,识别现有流程和系统中存在的功能缺陷,并为企业量身定制解决方案,以提高效率。WrxFlo的客户在生产能力、单位成本、客户订单履行和可持续性方面都有显著的改进。已取得的成果包括:生产能力提高40%,转换成本降低20%,逾期订单减少98%,生产过程中的纸张使用减少99%。凭借卓越的技术能力和丰富的全球供应链运营管理经验,WrxFlo帮助传统制造业实现数字化转型,在工业4.0的浪潮中蓬勃发展。
WrxFlo的客户群体遍布全球,其中包括科技和金融科技跨国公司在中国成都和厦门的制造基地进行中的数字化项目。随着WrxFlo进军中国市场,公司创始人兼CEO Tim Crowe将在五月底作为爱中科协ICSATA贸易代表团成员前往中国考察。代表团将访问中国多个城市,包括北京、南京、无锡、上海、宁波、成都、广州和香港,并与政府官员会面、实地考察制造业工厂,以及与其他潜在合作伙伴讨论合作机会。WrxFlo CEO Tim Crowe先生曾与家人一起居住生活在中国,在此期间,Crowe先生担任戴尔中国成都工厂的首席执行官,负责设计、建造和运营戴尔成都工厂。WrxFlo的创始人们在信息技术和工程制造领域拥有30多年广泛而丰富的经验,我们深知如何通过卓越的技术能力为我们的客户创造最大价值。基于全球运营的背景和经验,WrxFlo将在中国设立亚太总部,组建当地团队,促进中国的经济增长和帮助中国制造业数字化转型。